
There are many dimensions to privacy. Heading up the list of concerns that the public have in relation to insurance are secondary use and consent. Insurers that can understand and manage these two properly will be much better placed to gain the public's trust.
46 posts
Are Insurers Ready for GDPR 2.0? public
Privacy 6 min read

Are Insurers Ready for GDPR 2.0?

The GDPR felt pretty seismic when it came into force in 2018, but like many a step change in the law, it contained compromises. All things digital have moved on a lot since. As a result, the prospect of some form of GDPR 2.0 is on the horizon. So what does this mean for insurers?…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
ICO Consultation on Biometrics: Key Points for Insurers public
Data Ethics 6 min read

ICO Consultation on Biometrics: Key Points for Insurers

The UK data protection regulator has issued draft guidance on the use of biometric data. It’s been delivered in a pretty ‘oven ready’ state, with two clear exposures for insurers. Are insurers prepared for the pretty fundamental questions they will now need to ask themselves?…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
The Risks Insurers Run as Buyers of Secondary Data public
Privacy 3 min read

The Risks Insurers Run as Buyers of Secondary Data

A technology activist has released a huge file of segmentation data into the public domain. It shows the extent to which data brokers are scraping data and selling it for “identities”. As significant users of secondary data, insurers need to take great care managing exposures like this.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
Open Insurance Suffers a Setback public
Underwriting 2 min read

Open Insurance Suffers a Setback

Open insurance is predicted by many to play a big part in the future of insurance. It’s not a prediction that everyone shares however, including now the Australian Government. They’ve paused the expansion of their open data initiative into insurance. So what’s behind their concerns?…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
The EU AI Act is full of Significance for Insurers public
Regulation 8 min read

The EU AI Act is full of Significance for Insurers

As the EU works towards enactment of its AI regulations, the impacts for insurers are becoming more apparent. Some markets have been labelled high risk, while some technologies are being closed off. What insurers need to do now is understand how ethics is changing the sector’s digital landscape.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
The Data Protection Risks from Discriminatory Pricing public
Privacy 4 min read

The Data Protection Risks from Discriminatory Pricing

A key issue that insurers face when responding to concerns about discriminatory pricing is their handling of special category data. What is held and how it’s used are subject to all sorts of conditions. So what implications might this have for insurers and regulators?…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
Are IFB ambitions in danger of hitting a brick wall? public
Counter Fraud 5 min read

Are IFB ambitions in danger of hitting a brick wall?

Counter fraud data sharing in the UK market is heading for new heights. How we’re scored on fraud from the moment we seek a quote will be automated and in real time. Yet for all this strategic ambition, there remains no mention of accountability. Recent events point to that being a big omission.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
A Big Red Flag has been attached to Emotional AI public
Data Ethics 8 min read

A Big Red Flag has been attached to Emotional AI

The UK’s data protection regulator has raised a big red flag over the use of emotional AI. Not only do such systems fail to meet data protection requirements, but they also come with other serious ethical issues. So what does this mean for insurers, and how should they respond?…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
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