
Underwriting is becoming much more sophisticated. It's a transformation opening up opportunities like never before. It's also encountering challenges like never before, and as we saw with price walking, the impact can be immense. These posts give you an independent perspective on such developments.
157 posts
Risk Variables Are On Their Way Out public
Underwriting 3 min read

Risk Variables Are On Their Way Out

Underwriters have relied on risk variables for a very long time. After all, how would insurance work without them! Yet is their unique status on its way out? When motor insurers use 1000+ rating factors, what does this say about how insurance is now priced? More than just on risk, clearly.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
The Tectonic Plates of Insurance Have Just Moved public
Discrimination 3 min read

The Tectonic Plates of Insurance Have Just Moved

A US federal court has ruled on a long standing and hugely important case for property insurers. It pushed back insurers’ treasured ‘right to underwrite’ and the status of ‘objective actuarial data’. As I predicted 2 years ago, the tectonic plates for what is fair in insurance have just been moved.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
Why Secondary Data Could Turn Toxic for Insurers public
Discrimination 4 min read

Why Secondary Data Could Turn Toxic for Insurers

Digital innovations are helping the sector break new ground in how policies are underwritten. The problem is that some practices could be landing insurers outside of the law. This is not bias in data or analytics. This is ill advised decisions around the strategic use of secondary data.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
More Political Scrutiny of Insurance Pricing public
Underwriting 3 min read

More Political Scrutiny of Insurance Pricing

The Treasury Committee’s session yesterday on insurance saw consumer groups, insurers and the regulator have their say on pricing in motor and home markets. Nothing revealing emerged, but what was clear was that pressure on the sector to be more transparent is about to rise again.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
Invisible Insurance - The Next Big Thing? public
Marketing 4 min read

Invisible Insurance - The Next Big Thing?

Embedded insurance comes in three forms: soft, hard and invisible. Each comes with ethical implications, but none more so than invisible embedded. What does it mean to provide consumers with invisible insurance? Is it the future of distribution, or a disaster in the making? I explore it here.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
Hardening Attitudes to Insurance Lobbying public
Regulation 3 min read

Hardening Attitudes to Insurance Lobbying

Insurers invest a lot of money in trade bodies. Their role is to formulate sector level policy and lobby policy makers on members’ interests. However that lobbying seems to be having less impact. Insurers’ no longer have the most convincing message. The implications of this are significant.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
Fairness as a Service : a Step Forward for Insurers public
Fairness 8 min read

Fairness as a Service : a Step Forward for Insurers

A data and analytics provider to the insurance sector has launched fairness as a service. It’s orientated around the US requirement that insurers do not unfairly discriminate. It’s the sort of service that a recent UK Gov. report called for. I examine how it works and what it points to.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
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