About Me

Duncan Minty

I provide insurers with regular insight and independent analysis about ethics in insurance.

Over the years, I've written in detail about a wide variety of ethical issues associated with underwriting, claims, counter fraud and marketing. Insurance people use the insight, guidance and challenge in my work to address these ethical issues with greater confidence and certainty.

Everything you find here draws upon the 22 years I’ve been working as an independent ethics consultant. All those projects with insurers, brokers and professional bodies have fed into the range and depth of the insight and analysis I provide. Regular engagement with academic researchers and consumer groups means that readers get unique insights into trends and developments.

I worked in the personal and commercial markets for 18 years, so I know what works and doesn’t work for insurance people. And all the resource you find here fits with what’s happening in insurance now, and what’s coming over the horizon.

It’s an exciting time to be in insurance, and I want you to get as much as you can out of my ethics insight and analysis, for yourself, your team and your firm.

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