Ethical Risks

Ethics is about both opportunity and risk, but to credible on the opportunity side, you need to be addressing the risk side. Understanding ethical risk involves seeing your firm as part of a market, an entity in itself and a collective of people. Bring this together and use it in action plans for risk management, training, governance and communications, for starters.
38 posts
Ethical Risks
How to Assess the Biggest Ethical Risk in Insurance public
Ethical Risks 7 min read

How to Assess the Biggest Ethical Risk in Insurance

At the heart of most ethical issues in insurance is a conflict of interest. It’s always been around and likely always will be. So the question is not whether you have eliminated it, but how you are managing it. This means you’ve got to assess the scope and depth of conflicts of interest properly.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
Sentiment Analysis – Treat with Caution public
Data Ethics 3 min read

Sentiment Analysis – Treat with Caution

The increase in remote working triggered by the pandemic caused Zoom to become a popular tool for holding meetings and speaking with clients. Now Zoom is to allow account holders to carry out sentiment analysis on those they are engaging with. I explore what it means for insurers.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
Assessing Ethical Risk - Issue Maturity public
Ethical Risks 6 min read

Assessing Ethical Risk - Issue Maturity

A thorough assessment of ethical risk will throw up all sorts of things, some of them familiar, some of them new. After identifying your priorities, you then need to address expectations and resources. This toolkit on issue maturity helps you with that.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
Using Protected Activities to Manage Reputational Risk public
Ethical Risks 5 min read

Using Protected Activities to Manage Reputational Risk

Protected activities could be a useful tool for insurers to manage their most significant ethical risks. And they signal to key audiences that the insurer’s commitments around those risks are being taken particularly seriously. So how do they work and how can they make a difference?…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
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