Conflicts of Interest

Conflicts of interest are at the heart of most ethical risks faced by insurers. That's because of how the market is structured. So you're unlikely to be able to remove them - it's invariably about mitigation. Yet this can be a struggle when everyone is so used to being in one. Honesty and challenge make all the difference.
21 posts
Conflicts of Interest
The Keystone for Delivering Effective Data Ethics public
Data Ethics 5 min read

The Keystone for Delivering Effective Data Ethics

Data ethics has lots of dimensions. You may be tempted to think that expertise in each of those dimensions will reap the results being sought. Only to a degree though. Running through all of them is an issue that is age old to insurance. If you don’t get this one right, all others will be suffer.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
Failings in Motor Claims Raise Accountability Questions public
Claims 4 min read

Failings in Motor Claims Raise Accountability Questions

Several unfair practices have been identified in total loss claims in the UK motor insurance market. On the face of it, this seems like a numbers problem. Yet this is far from being a ‘which valuation is right’ issue. This is about people and how they decide to shape important decisions.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
How to Waiver a Conflict of Interest public
Conflicts of Interest 2 min read

How to Waiver a Conflict of Interest

Conflicts of interest are widespread across insurance. Many of them are too fundamental to be eliminated, but they still need to be managed. There may be occasions when one way to manage the conflict of interest is simply to accept it. So what conditions should apply to such situations?…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
Are You Tracking Conflicts of Interest Properly? public
Conflicts of Interest 5 min read

Are You Tracking Conflicts of Interest Properly?

Conflicts of interest are everywhere in insurance. There isn’t a part of the market where their influence is not significant. Yet they come in many different forms. This makes it important to track them properly, to understand concentrations, recognise trends and monitor mitigation outcomes.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
How to Assess the Biggest Ethical Risk in Insurance public
Ethical Risks 7 min read

How to Assess the Biggest Ethical Risk in Insurance

At the heart of most ethical issues in insurance is a conflict of interest. It’s always been around and likely always will be. So the question is not whether you have eliminated it, but how you are managing it. This means you’ve got to assess the scope and depth of conflicts of interest properly.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
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